hello 👋
It’s been a productive week for me, I finished the DrawTogether 30-day GUT challenge this week:
I feel proud I managed to keep it going (almost) each day. here are some more highlights from the past 30 days:

While the art practices were great and helped me learn some new techniques and tools, the biggest learning for me was in the more reflective practices. It’s already helped me form more connections between what is happening in my messy brain and tying that back into my art.
This week I also did my first Hourly Comics Day. Here it is quick and dirty by hand:

Writing writing writing
Lastly, I'm working on the next chapters of Planet Waves. I have a brief outline that I’ve been fleshing out by hand:

I’m still finding the right writing process for me, I started just writing in a notebook but I wanted to start mixing and switching things around, so now I’m going to try to cut it all up and rearrange the bits on some index cards to see if I can find the right flow for the story. It’s a bit chaotic and I’m finding the process equally stressful and fun!
The final few pages of the current chapter (part, section? idk I’m making this up as I go) are almost ready to go as well, just some final tweaks before I publish.
Three more things:
I have to mention the new The Smile album, so good. Jazzy and krautrocky awesomeness.
Movies: Dream Scenario (already mentioned in my hourly comic) Wonka (enjoyed this much more than I thought I would) and The Marvels (I don’t remember a single thing from this movie)
This is Luna (the cat from the Hourly comic) She does allow me to pet her occasionally:
That’s it from me!